Our Motto  
St. George Teacher Training Institute marches forward with enhanced vigour and vitality, Upholding the Motto, “Lighted to Lighten”
St. George Teacher Training Institute stands for academic excellence, development of skills and character formation based on the vertical and horizontal dimensions of love so as to produce cognitively and effectively trained, morally upright, socially committed and spiritually inspired students of India.

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His Beatitude Dr. Cyril Mar Baselios Catholicos
This Great Visionary and Philanthropist is our Guiding spirit. An Educationist and a great Scholar, His Beatitude has visualized and established many Educational Institutions in and outside the state of Kerala. It was his dream to achieve social development through education that prompted the Diocese to establish many Institutions of Higher Education . All our educational activities are in tune with the dreams and aspirations of this Great spiritual leader and scholar.
Most Rev. Dr. Joseph Mar Thomas
Our Patron Rev. Dr. Joseph Mar Thomas is closely associated with all our educational activities. He is keenly interested in the wellbeing and development of our Institution It is our patron’s loving care and logical planning that has become the guiding spirit for all of us . The Institution is climbing the ladder of glory and fame with our patron’s philosophy of life ie service, simplicity and sincerity.